Lotto 6 out of 49; German Gambling Up Close
German gambling establishments are common and widely spread all over Germany. The most popular established gambling institution is the German lottery called Lotto 6 out of 49. This lottery is a government monopoly but nevertheless succeeds in drawing millions of participants daily. We will show you how this German lottery gambling still succeeded despite its age and familiarity.
Lotto 6 out of 49 started sometime in the 1950s and the German post war citizen quickly became accustomed and even fond of this lottery gambling game. Lotto 6 out of 49 promised instant wealth to those who certainly needed it because many were still struggling through the post war times and the cost of living that came with it.
Today, Lotto 6 out of 49 can be played every day and the draw happens every Wednesday and Saturday. On Wednesday, the jackpot is not so high, so many people invest only little wager into their gambling tickets. Every Saturday is the big jackpot draw and that is where you can win jackpots worth millions of euro and when we say millions, we literally mean millions. The current Saturday jackpot is four million euro.
In Lotto 6 out of 49 there are six numbers being drawn and an additional number and a super number. The additional number is important when you want to win the jackpot and there are different win variations depending if you have the correct super number or additional number with the correct six digits. Attached to your Lotto gambling ticket is also the German gambling game called Super 6 and Spiel 77 which means translated game of 77.
The draws are being conducted in every state of Germany in a certain sequence. With this, the government of Germany ensures that every state gets a share of the revenue generated out of the Lotto gambling, and in case of a jackpot win, the state where the draw was conducted also has to pay a part of this jackpot. This way, the government ensures fairness in the gambling and fairness in the numbers draws.
The government of Germany is participating with 50 percent in the lottery game, which means that the German government gets 50 percent of the revenue generated by the lottery gambling in whole Germany and that is the biggest reason why the European Union would like to push for privatizations of lotteries in Germany. Until now, this law has not been enacted which means that the people are helping the government with their lottery gambling.
There are many facets of the German gambling system in particular the Lotto 6 out of 49 and many people enjoy it, but some people hate it. Be the one to judge and try the Lotto 6 out of 49.